Refine Your Construction Business Goals

Sometimes I feel like I'm on an island all by myself—and no one fully understands what I do or the struggles I face with running the business. The amount of mental energy I put into thinking about every aspect of the company can be overwhelming at times … and feel a bit lonely. If you're at the helm of your own growing business, perhaps you can relate. 

But an island isn't a bad place to be—people spend millions on exotic island vacations every year. The secret is inviting others to your island and sharing your goals with them.  


There's no need to sit on that island all by yourself. If you've built a great team—those that share your vision and goals for the business—invite them to join you on the island. Sit down at least once a month—if not weekly—and have honest, open conversations about where the business is today, where you want to go in the weeks, months, and years ahead, and then map out a plan of how to get there—as a team. You can even put your goals and growth strategy in writing—use simple yet specific language—so everyone is reminded visually and mentally of the goal you're striving for. 

For me, having conversations with Mike and Ken about the "big picture"—whether at the office or over a beer at the end of the week—takes a huge load off my shoulders. They've even commented on the fact that I'm in a better mood the next day—which is true—I just feel better sharing my concerns about the future of the business with trusted allies and knowing we're all on the same page. And that they've got my back.  


It's been seven years since I started my carpentry business (Wow! It's incredible how quickly time has flown by!), and I realized that I needed to take a step back and really reflect on my goals. Because along the way, goals can change. They evolve and get tweaked. I think it's crucial to the success and longevity of any business that you—as the owner—periodically take the time to reflect on and refine your business goals and growth strategy. 

What began as a small carpentry business has exploded into a thriving high-end, custom homebuilding company. And I've always kept my goals clearly in mind—my dream is to build extraordinary homes, work with amazing architects, perhaps someday have the opportunity to build homes all over the world. And to reach my goals, I must maintain a clear vision of what I want to achieve, a detailed plan of how to get there, and then continually evaluate if I'm still on track to do so. 



As I look back over the past year, I can see where we've headed off track—detours that are taking us away from our stated goal of concentrating on new construction. We have taken on projects that are great projects—they are architecturally interesting, profitable, and easily manageable. But they all have one thing in common: They are smaller, reno jobs that don't get us closer to our goal of new construction. 

In addition, we went a bit off course when we started growing fast and decided to hire more carpenters. Then we realized we needed to keep those guys busy, so we took on projects that filled that need but weren't the projects we really wanted to do.  

At times we've taken on a project because we had the time to do so; but just because we could fit the job in doesn't qualify it as a good project. Never take on a project just to fill a time slot that has opened up. If the project doesn't line up with your ultimate goal, then it's only going to serve as a distraction. It will eat up time and resources that could have been better spent on securing and completing a project that fits your goal's parameters. If my goal is to see NS Builders transition to only new construction—premier homebuilding from the ground up— then taking on a bathroom renovation or a similarly-sized small project doesn't make sense. 

This is what I've learned: Curate and cull. Take on the jobs you want to do—need to do to get you closer in line with your end goal—and pass on the ones that do not. It's just that simple. Keep your goal—your mission statement—in sharp focus and stay on track. Not only will you eventually reach your goal, but you'll enjoy the journey along the way. 

It's time to discover what NS Builders can intentionally craft for you! Contact us today to get started on your custom dream home. Together, we can make it happen. 

—Nick Schiffer

Nick SchifferNS Builders